When you walk in the door, you should expect to be greeted in a warm friendly manner. We want everyone to feel welcome and comfortable in our assembly. If there is anything you need or would like to know, you need only ask. On your way in be sure to take a bulletin; this contains a lot of information that may be helpful. Feel free to visit, look around, or find a seat and get settled in. Our goal in worship is to pattern what we do according to what the church did in the New Testament. So once it is time for worship to begin, here is what you can expect:
Worship begins when the service leader steps up to greet and welcome all that are in attendance. He will also use this time to make announcements, relay prayer requests, and outline the rest of the service. Once he concludes, we will have our first prayer.
(Phil 4:6)
During each service, there will be multiple prayers lifted to God. One man will lead the prayer while the rest of us silently and collectively pray together. The purpose of each prayer will be different depending upon the part of worship we are in, but every prayer is directed to God the father in the name of His son, Jesus Christ.
(Eph 5:19)
Throughout each service, we will sing several songs together. The song leader will stand up front and announce the number of each song while the rest of us pick up songbooks and sing. On Sunday mornings, the song numbers will also be listed on the screens up front. We sing all of our songs a cappella, that is, without musical instruments. This may or may not be new to you, but it is an uplifting and enjoyable way of praising God with our collective voices. You are invited to join in and sing with us!
(1 Cor 11:23-26)
Every Sunday morning we observe the Lord's Supper, or communion. The individual in charge of communion and several attendants will make their way to the front and stand behind the communion table. He will lead us in a short devotional intended to remind us of the great sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for us. A prayer will be said and then the first set of trays will be passed. In these trays is unleavened bread, which represents Jesus' body he was willing to have broken for us. Another prayer will be said and the second set of trays will be passed. In these trays are small containers that contain grape juice, which represents Jesus' blood he was willing to shed for us. We all join together and share in this communion as the family of God. During this time, we silently reflect on Jesus' sacrifice, and rejoice that one day He will return to claim us as His own.
(Acts 20:7)
During each service there will be a dedicated time of teaching. We have multiple teachers in the congregation, men who have dedicated themselves to learning and presenting God's Word in an edifying and effective way. During the service, one of our teachers will deliver a scripturally-based message. At the conclusion of his thoughts, he will invite anyone who has a need or a request of the church to come forward during the next song. We will then stand and sing together.
(2 Cor 9:7)
Each Sunday morning service we take up a free-will offering. We believe that our blessings come from God, and that it is a blessing to be able to give of our means to support the work of the church. Trays will be passed in order to collect the funds that are given. You are welcome to give, but please do not feel pressured to in any way. Simply pass the tray along to the person next to you.
After the other aspects of worship are completed, the service leader will step up once more to close out the service and make any final announcements or prayer requests. After he concludes, we will have a final song and a closing prayer. After the final amen is said, feel free to stay awhile and visit, or depart at your convenience. We hope that you feel welcomed and spiritually renewed after worshiping with us!