We are a group of people drawn together by a common faith in Jesus Christ for worship and service. We have no denominational affiliation; yet we recognize a particular fellowship “in Christ” with other congregations of the body of Christ. We wear no name but that of Christ and therefore we are simply referred to as Christians, just like the early Christians of the first century (Acts 11:26). We believe in the authority of the New Testament for everything that we do as a congregation, and as individuals. We do our best to model our worship, ministry, belief system and moral conduct after the example and teaching of Jesus and His apostles (2 Tim 3:16-17).
Our sincere desire is to worship “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24). Therefore, the activities in the assembly are carefully thought out. Every member is encouraged to do everything with a sincere and willing heart. We meet every Sunday for worship (Acts 20:7). The Lord’s Supper is offered each Sunday, just as the Lord instituted, in memory of His suffering and death upon the cross (Matt 26:26-28). Our music is from the heart, and is a capella, that is, we sing without the accompaniment of musical instruments (Eph 5:19). Our prayers are not ritualistic, but are prayers of thanksgiving and petition from the heart, seeking God’s grace and His will for our lives (1 Tim 2:1-3). The preaching of the Word of God is an important part of our assemblies. God speaks to us through the Bible, His inspired Word; therefore, the reading and teaching from the scriptures is an integral part of our assemblies (2 Tim 4:2). Our giving each Sunday is freely offered and used to support the work of the Lord; this includes evangelism both local and across the world, benevolence, and additional works of this congregation (1 Cor 16:1-2). The entire Lord’s Day assembly is both planned and organized in a way so as to ensure it is conducted decently and in order. (1 Cor 14:40)
We believe that salvation comes only through Jesus Christ. We are saved by obeying the gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom 1:16; 1 Cor 15:1-4; 2 Tim 1:10). The gospel is the good news about Jesus coming to this earth to save mankind. He died upon the cross, was buried, and then arose from the grave victorious over death. To obey the gospel means to go through the death, burial and resurrection with Christ, through faith (Rom 6:17). The Bible teaches that you must believe and place your faith in Jesus, who has offered Himself as the sacrifice for your sins (John 8:24); you must resolve to repent, or turn away from your sins (Luke 13:3); to confess openly your faith in the Jesus as the Son of God (Matt 10:32-33); and you must be buried or immersed in baptism for the remission or forgiveness of your sins (Acts 2:38, Rom 6:1-6). Obedience to the gospel in baptism is how the blood of Christ washes your sins away (Acts 22:16). It also demonstrates the death of your old life, the burial of who you were before, and a resurrection to a new life committed to Christ. Salvation is the work of God upon our souls when we are obedient to His will. Our salvation “in Christ” is an eternal life in Heaven (1 John 2:25).